I used to love farmville and really spent hours on it. Was fun playing and waiting for your crops to grow in real time.
Soon came CityVille. Spent even more time over it. Even got late to my work in harvesting the crops and collecting money from the houses and businesses.
It was fun in the begining to ask you friends to provide you with some building materials. It gave be a great sense of satisfaction when I had finished my Premium Goods' factory.
Afterthat came the wonders and came this and came that and what not. Soon I started feeling that my friends were not playing Cityville anymore. I always had to wait for days to get my building materials and to finish buildings.
I was asking for materials and gifts left, right and centre. Even had multiple accounts to provide gifts from one account to another.
What I had turned myself into was nothing but a begger in front of my friends. They got irritated each time they saw a CityVille request from me.
So my take on Zynga games is that, if you dont mind being a begger all your life continue playing. If you still want to play games on facebook, there are a lot of other options that your can "play" (not beg).
Disclaimer: Zynga does make good games. Its just the begging part of it that I hate. If Zynga wants me to start playing their games again, they will have to get rid of this beg to play or pay thing.
Let me know what you think about Zynga games in comment below.
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