How to Rescue a Crashed PC

When we say "My PC has crashed" we could mean a variety of malfunctions. It might be a system crash, power failure, data crash, software or OS corruption or something else. Usually it is just one of these problems and that leads to shutting down of the entire computer.

Crashes are typically of two major types; hardware and software. I understand how you might be feeling when your computer does not obey or simply fails to do anything. I have put together a set of basic fixes that even a layman can check and avoid calling an IT person.

Check Your Connections (Hardware)
IF your system stops responding or a particular device is not responding, the first thing you check is the connections. Start with the power and peripheral devices on the back of your CPU. If nothing happens open your CPU and check all the connections. Try removing each wire and blowing both the ends to clean out the dust. Place the wire in the exact socket it was removed from. Take care when removing or inserting these wires. There is no component in a computer that can be placed wrongly. Do not apply undue force in removing or inserting any device, card, cable, etc. in the CPU.

Make sure all the fans are working properly. Typically here are 3 fans inside a CPU. The processor fan, cabinet fan and SMPS fan. If either fan is not working check the connections. This may be dumb to mention here, but do not try to wash any of the computer's parts with water.

Restart (Software)
The first thing you would want to correct any software problem is to restart the PC. Most of the smaller issues are corrected when you start fresh. Avoid warm booting i.e. pressing the reset button on your CPU. Try restarting the computer from the OS. Try using the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) to restart the PC.

Safe Mode (Software)
If nothing works from the previous measures try running the software or OS in the safe mode. This enables you to undo or reset the settings that caused the malfunction.
Windows OSs comes with a safe mode. Some software and games like Firefox and iTunes also come with safe modes. Make use of them before trying anything extreme. Make the necessary changes and try to reboot.
If you fear it to be a virus related problem, run the OS in safe mode and scan the entire computer using an updated anti-virus program.

Last Known Good Config (Hardware or Software)
It usually happens that your computer starts acting weird after a new hardware install, driver update or OS update. Sometimes an update is just not compatible with another software or OS on your computer. You can wait for the other software or driver to be update but you will never know about its incompatibility until you try it.
So if you face such a problem, run the computer with "Last Known Good Config" available to you. If this works, just restore the state before the update and do not update it.

Safe Mode and Last Known Good Config options can be accessed by pressing F8 when the computer is starting.

Hope this helps in rescuing your crashed PC.
For any other question about Tech don't hesitate in contacting me.
